State Traditions
Thirsty Thursday: California Mai Tai
Warm weather is here in the south. In Birmingham it's 90 degrees today and won't cool off again until October. So it's always good to have a stable of refreshing cocktails that you can mix up on a whim.
Today we took the classic Mai Tai made famous by Elvis Presley's movie Blue Hawaii and put a west coast spin on it. Rum is the main ingredient and as always rum can always sneak up on you so be careful with this delicious drink.
- 1.5 oz Spiced Rum
- 1.5 oz Coconut Rum
- 1 oz Triple Sec
- 1 oz Pineapple Juice
- 1/2 oz Lemon Juice
- 1/2 oz Agave Syrup
- Shake with Ice and serve
Thirsty Thursday: Talladega Week
This weekend people from all over the country migrate to a small town off of I-20 in East Alabama. This weekend NASCAR fans will watch for three days as cars zoom around the track at speeds over 200 mph. And everyone knows that NASCAR, warm weather, and cold beer go together perfectly.
And as John McElrath mentioned in episode 3 of the State Traditions podcast Budweiser is the accepted currency in the infield. So it's always good to have a few extra on hand in case you need to barter for something.
Thirsty Thursday: Classic Daiquiri
The Daiquiri is synonymous with warm weather. It doesn't matter if it's a beach trip or a jaunt down to New Orleans a Daiquiri pairs well with just about anything. Over the years Daiquiris have evolved into a mix based frozen concoction that you can get at gas stations in Louisiana, but it's true roots are a really simple and refreshing drink that you can make at home.
1 oz Aged White Rum
1 oz Coconut Rum
1 oz Lime Juice
1 oz Simple Syrup
Shake with Ice and serve in a chilled glass (or over ice in a plastic cup if you're a the beach or walking around Bourbon St)