Tailgate Traditions
College football season is in full gear. Whether tailgating at your buddy's tent outside the stadium or cheering on your team from your neighbor's backyard, here are some ways to represent who you're pulling for this weekend.
Game 1:
Pictured above: California Los Angeles Gameday Hat, California Flag iPhone Case, California Los Angeles Gameday Sticker, California Palo Alto Gameday Sticker, California Palo Alto Gameday Hat Black, and California Palo Alto Gameday Polo Crimson.
Game 2:
Pictured above: Michigan East Lansing Gameday Hat Green, Michigan East Lansing Gameday Belt, Michigan East Lansing Gameday Polo White, Oregon Eugene Gameday Hat Grey, Oregon Eugene Gameday Golf Visor Green, and Oregon Eugene Gameday T-Shirt Neon.
Game 3:
Pictured above: Texas Austin Gameday Hat Black, Texas Austin Gameday iPhone Case, Texas Austin Gameday Polo Burnt Orange, Utah Provo Gameday Hat White, and States & Tailgates T-Shirt Navy and White.
Game 4:
Pictured above: Michigan Ann Arbor Gameday Golf Visor, Michigan Ann Arbor Gameday T-Shirt White, Michigan Ann Arbor Gameday Belt, Gameday Flyover T-Shirt Navy and Gold, Indiana South Bend Gameday Hat Navy, and Indiana South Bend Gameday Koozie.
Game 5:
Pictured above: Ohio Columbus Gameday Hat Grey, Ohio Columbus Gameday Bow Tie, Ohio Columbus Gameday Belt, Virginia Blacksburg Gameday Golf Visor Maroon, Virginia Blacksburg Gameday T-Shirt White, and Virginia Blacksburg Gameday Belt.